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What a great experience! I have visited one of the workshops and attended a masterclass, and both were super useful for young designers. Highly recommended.

Ali Tufan

Product Manager, Apple Inc

What a great experience! I have visited one of the workshops and attended a masterclass, and both were super useful for young designers. Highly recommended.

Ali Tufan

Product Manager, Apple Inc

What a great experience! I have visited one of the workshops and attended a masterclass, and both were super useful for young designers. Highly recommended.

Ali Tufan

Product Manager, Apple Inc

What a great experience! I have visited one of the workshops and attended a masterclass, and both were super useful for young designers. Highly recommended.

Ali Tufan

Product Manager, Apple Inc

What a great experience! I have visited one of the workshops and attended a masterclass, and both were super useful for young designers. Highly recommended.

Ali Tufan

Product Manager, Apple Inc

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